Unmasking Mystery Plotcraft Workshop by Autocrit

It started with such promise – a bloody murder scene, a detective with just the right amount of baggage, and a lineup of suspects each hiding their own little skeletons.

You were excited. This was the one.

But then it happened: the plot started unraveling faster than the stitches on a cheap trench coat. For most authors taking an early stab at writing in the mystery genre, this is an all too familiar story.

And why is that? In truth, it’s because a great mystery hinges on many moving parts… yet moving parts need a structure to hang on, or the whole machine comes crashing to the ground in a heap of disappointment.

But what if you could install a time-tested framework that successful mystery authors use to craft stories that actually get FINISHED and keep readers turning pages until 3 AM?

That’s exactly what USA Today Bestselling Author Kat Campbell will be bringing to you LIVE in Autocrit’s upcoming Mystery PlotCraft workshop!

Starting this Friday, March 21st, you’re going to embark on two interactive 90-minute sessions where you’ll get:

  • A concrete blueprint for mystery structure that works whether you’re writing cozy, procedural, or noir.
  • Practical techniques for hiding clues in plain sight without making readers feel cheated.
  • A foolproof method for keeping your middle from sagging (unlike that body under the floorboards).
  • Real-time feedback on your specific plotting challenges in live Q&A with someone who’s successfully published over 300 books.

Kat doesn’t deal in abstract theories. She deals in concrete results, and the fundamental frameworks you’ll explore work for plotters AND pantsers – so you can become a human mystery-making machine regardless of how you prefer to write.

Registration: $79

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