The Writing Community Chat Show

The Writing Community Chat Show The Writing Community Chat Show is a weekly live online YouTube show that brings together some of the brightest and most talented writers from around the world to discuss their craft, share their stories, and offer advice and...

Helping Writers Become Authors Podcast

Helping Writers Become Authors Podcast Helping Writers Become Authors provides writers help in summoning inspiration, crafting solid characters, outlining and structuring novels, and polishing prose. Learn how to write a book and edit it into a story agents will buy...

Behind the Bastards Podcast

Behind the Bastards Podcast There’s a reason the History Channel has produced hundreds of documentaries about Hitler but only a few about Dwight D. Eisenhower. Bad guys (and gals) are eternally fascinating. Behind the Bastards dives in past the Cliffs Notes of the...

Buzzing About Romance Podcast

Buzzing About Romance Podcast The Hosts of Buzzing About Romance Podcast love to talk about all things in the Romance Book Genre. Our goal is to help the romance reader find their next great read. We do this by recommending books based on tropes and through critical...

Grammar Girl

Grammar Girl Mignon Fogarty is the founder of the Quick and Dirty Tips network and creator of Grammar Girl, which has been named one of Writer’s Digest’s 101 best websites for writers multiple times. She is also an inductee in the Podcasting Hall of Fame....