Rocket by Marteeka Karland

Rocket by Marteeka Karland Grim Road MC 1 Rocket: My life pretty much took a hard left a year ago when I first met Lemon. She’s wise beyond her years and as abrasive and sarcastic as they come. The second she busts my VP’s balls — literally — I know I’d...

Spotlight on Changeling Press: Marteeka Karland

Spotlight on Changeling Press: Marteeka Karland Changeling Press turns 20 in 2024. To celebrate, we’re featuring Changeling Press authors all month at TRS. Meet Marteeka Karland International bestselling author Marteeka Karland leads a double life as an erotic...

Mars by Marteeka Karland

Mars by Marteeka Karland Iron Tzars MC 10 Scarlet — I left Florida and Grim Road, my father’s club, with Hammer, believing he loved me. But Hammer turned out to be a monster, brutalizing me at every turn. He’s using my sisters as leverage to control me. I’ve got...

Wylde by Marteeka Karland

Wylde by Marteeka Karland Iron Tzars MC 9 Danica — Wylde’s an incorrigible flirt. I know he acts like he’s a player, but I’ve seen another side of him. Kids from all over the area flock to him because he’s Wylde — the guru of all things electronic. He has...