Immersive Settings Workshop by Autocrit

Immersive Settings Workshop by Autocrit The air is thick with the mouth-watering aroma of sizzling burgers and hot dogs on the grill and the sweet scent of freshly cut watermelon. The sky becomes a spectacle of fiery hues as fireworks explode in bursts of red, white,...

Autocrit’s Mystery PlotCraft Workshop

Autocrit’s Mystery PlotCraft Workshop Discover How To Craft A Riveting Mystery Monday, June 17th @ 7:00 PM ESTandThursday, June 20th @ 7:00 PM EST The pulse of any story is the plot, and just like a heartbeat, the beats of your story propel the audience forward....

Pulse Fiction Thriller Writing Course @ Autocrit

Pulse Fiction Thriller Writing Course @ Autocrit Tuesday, June 11th – 6pm Eastern – Zoom Included with the course beginning June 11, 2024: 4 complete modules to guide you through developing and writing a highly effective thriller. 4 live 60-minute...

How to Write Punchy Sentences @ Autocrit

How to Write Punchy Sentences @ Autocrit Tuesday, June 11th – 1 pm Eastern – YouTube Join Autocrit for the next session of the Pulse Pounding Short Story challenge and learn how to phrase your sentences for maximum impact! Free event!    Join on...

Autocrit’s Romance Plotcraft Workshop

Autocrit’s Romance Plotcraft Workshop Discover How To Craft A Riveting Romance The pulse of any story is the plot, and just like a heartbeat, the beats of your story propel the audience forward. Whether you are a planner or a pantser, Autocrit will guide you...