Autocrit’s Ultimate Romance Writers Package

Autocrit’s Ultimate Romance Writers Package If you’ve been dreaming of writing stories that leave hearts pounding—and possibly make you a few swoon-worthy dollars along the way—Autocrit’s Ultimate Romance Writer’s Package is just what you need.  You get a...

Romance Plotcraft Workshop by Autocrit

Romance Plotcraft Workshop by Autocrit Workshop Dates/Times: Session 1: Sunday, Feb 2nd @ 7:00 PM EST Session 2: Sunday, Feb 9th @ 7:00 PM EST It’s hard to imagine a captivating romance without the backbone of a strong plot. When you don’t have a...

Paranormal Romance Workshop by Autocrit

Paranormal Romance Workshop by Autocrit Craft Captivating Paranormal Romances: Immersive Worldbuilding & Complex Characters Do your paranormal romance drafts tend to fizzle out before the climax? Do you find yourself struggling to weave the supernatural aspects...

How to Write to Market by Autocrit

How to Write to Market by Autocrit In this exclusive Marketing How To Series seminar, learn the powerful strategy of writing to market. We’re covering how to tailor your stories to meet the demands of today’s top genres while still staying true to your creative...