St. Patrick’s Day @ TRS 2025

Legacy of Angels by Genie Gabriel

Two tarnished angels--a former priest and a former prostitute--risk their lives to save a baby from a beast-man's savage vengeance.

Claudia deGras was forced into prostitution by her mother at age twelve. In spite of the trauma and abuse, she dreams of a respectful life filled with joy, laughter and the love of one man. Ironically, that man is Patrick O’Shea, a former priest facing demons of his own.

Patrick was killed by his father at age four…then came to live with Bernie O’Shea. Angels guided his life from that moment and said he was to become a priest. But something happened at seminary that nudged at the edges of his memory and sometimes brought him to his knees.

Together, Patrick and Claudia are drawn into a deeply emotional journey of healing that becomes a life-and-death challenge to save a baby from the twisted man-beast who has vowed revenge against all he thinks have wronged him.

“If you are looking for a series that keeps you on the edge, wondering what will happen next, wondering how an author created a jaw-dropping, heart-stopping book…then look no further. Genie Gabriel has created that with this series.”

Read an excerpt

Genie Gabriel

Genie Gabriel, aka Genene Valleau

I’m an optimist whose rose-colored glasses have bent frames and cracked lenses. When life kicks me in the teeth, I find miracles and lessons I refused to learn an easier way. In fact, I live with a small herd of miracles in the furry forms of dogs, who are constantly trying to teach me to forgive, to play more, and to love without limits. I write about people who find courage and integrity in the darkest times of their lives, who rescue stray dogs and kittens, who find a person they would willingly give their lives for, and who make their little corners of the world a better place. People have remarked my stories “aren’t what they expected.” With rose-colored glasses firmly in place, I take that as a compliment. I invite you to share a piece of my world in the pages of a book, and hope you find some surprises, some tears, some laughter, and a happy ending.

I also write books under the name, Genene Valleau.

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