Foreshadowing Workshop by Autocrit

When we say the word “foreshadowing,” what do you think of? 🤔

A seemingly innocuous line of dialogue that feels a little too important?

An image of an unknown person trudging their way across a field?

Some overly descriptive attention given to that very pointy something that hangs on the living room wall?

All of these, and more, are correct… but for the ultimate in reader-pleasing payoffs, you really need to work hard on the balance between the obvious and the hidden.

(And you get to feel extremely clever when you pull it off, naturally.)

That’s what this upcoming workshop from Autocrit is all about: learning to get an intuitive, almost preternatural handle on how to deploy foreshadowing in your storytelling.

You’ll discover opportunities and angles you never considered before, and feel that lightbulb in your head flare up with all the possibilities already present in your works-in-progress that you just haven’t capitalized on yet.

So… if you’d like to feel like quite the devious smarty-pants and treat your readers to plenty of head-smacking should-have-seen-it-coming moments, then don’t miss this one. 

Registration: $79

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