by Tina | Mar 17, 2023 | Romantic Suspense, Thriller, What's New, What's New RS, What's New Thriller
Forget What You Know by Christina Dodd A submerged car is pulled from the bottom of the lake. The driver has been shot in the back of the head and no other bodies are found. Only the legendary Dragon’s Heart remains inside. When it rises to the surface, greedy...
by Tina | Mar 14, 2023 | Contemporary, New Romance, Romantic Suspense, What's New, What's New RS
A Desperate Man by Deanndra Hall Appalachian STAR, #1 Release Date: March 14, 2023 Amazon US Come Hell or high water, he’ll protect them all. PATCH Reinvention. That’s what I’m doing. After losing so much, it’s time to rebuild and not look...
by Tina | Mar 2, 2023 | Romantic Suspense, What's New, What's New RS
His life is always in danger, but never his heart. Petty Officer Ace Harmon is used to almost dying on a weekly basis. It comes with the territory. But this time there’s an actual contract on his head. Someone powerful wants him dead. The Navy figures hiding him in...