Author Spotlight: AK Nevermore

The Price of Talent Series


The inspiration behind my newest series, The Price of Talent, was a very vivid dream about a woman who was lost in the snow. It was one of those dreams that was so incredibly real, I thought about it for days after and little by little, her story unfolded.

Writing Process

In this section, share details about their writing process. Do you have a specific routine or writing schedule? What challenges did you face while writing the novel? Did you encounter writer’s block? How did you overcome it? This section aims to provide aspiring writers with insights into the writing process.

My writing schedule is to get up stupid early and deal with administrative stuff. That usually takes a lot longer than I’d like lately, and then I start writing when I feel like I have a handle on that *laughs manically* so yeah… haven’t been doing as much writing as I’d like lately. My biggest challenge has been working on the marketing/PR for each book, which is exhausting.

When I finally set that aside, it is definitely difficult to switch back into a creative space. Honestly, the only thing I’ve found to work it to sit there and do it, especially when I don’t want to. Sometimes it’s like pulling teeth and other times I loosen up after a while, but it’s words on the page and gives me somethign to come back to the next day. I do write every day.

Character Development

In this section, discuss how you developed the characters in your story. What inspired their personalities, quirks, and motivations? Did any of the characters change or surprise you during the writing process? This section aims to provide readers with a deeper understanding of the characters they’ve grown to love.

My characters all start with extreme basics. Flynn Scot is a huge dude. Kara has really great hair and dimples. They’re definitely raw sketches until I put them in scenes which I see a lot more clearly at first. So, that terrible snowstorm. How is she dealing with it? I go through a few reactions and one clicks. I run with that and all these other things bloom off it. Now she’s a medic and knows exactly what the cold is doing to her…and is kind of happy about it. What? Why the…and then the character’s backstory starts to fill in and they flesh out.

Setting and Worldbuilding

In this section, discuss the setting and worldbuilding in your story. What inspired the location? Did you create any unique customs or cultures? How did you create a sense of atmosphere and mood? This section aims to give readers a sense of the world the story inhabits.

The setting is essentially a dystopian New England. Since I’m from the area, it was really easy to pull on my own experiences, like waiting for the bus in subzero temperatures as a kid, and bring that into how miserable the clime is in Breaker. And maybe how miserable I was waiting for that stupid bus to show up.

Closing Thoughts

In this section, share any final thoughts on your story. What message or themes do you hope readers take away from the story? What are you most proud of in the story? This section aims to provide readers with a final reflection on the novel.

Breaker was definitely a labor of love, and I hope that readers find it as interesting to read as it was to write.


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