Autocrit’s Romance Plotcraft Workshop

Discover How To Craft A Riveting Romance

The pulse of any story is the plot, and just like a heartbeat, the beats of your story propel the audience forward. Whether you are a planner or a pantser, Autocrit will guide you through the basic beats that form the skeleton of every great story.

Do you know how to craft an effective Meet Cute?
How do you introduce a devastating conflict that threatens to tear the couple apart?
When should you include the Winning Back, and how do you do it without being contrived?

Our favorite romances involve a compelling couple, but without a solid plot to support them, even the most exhilarating characters will fail to shine. Weaving a compelling, cohesive, and memorable plot is at the center of every writer’s journey.


Join Autocrit for two live 90-minute interactive workshops, designed to empower you with the skills needed to craft captivating romances that keep readers turning pages!

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