Showing vs. Telling Workshop from Autocrit

It’s one of the fundamental rules of immersive writing:

Show, don’t tell.

Get it right once and for all this week, with the first part of our Showing vs. Telling Workshop starting this Sunday!

Book a seat forAutocrit’s live Showing versus Telling Workshop, with your choice of date and time, including:

Session 1

Sunday, November 26th, 2023 at 8 pm Eastern US time.


Tuesday, November 28th, 2023 at 11 am Eastern US time.


Session 2

Thursday, November 30th, 2023 at 11 am Eastern US time.


Sunday, December 3rd, 2023 at 8 pm Eastern US time.

Book now and enjoy:

  • Two live 90-minute interactive sessions (4 dates to choose from)
  • Learn why “Show don’t tell” is some of the best (and worst) writing advice you’ll ever hear.
  • Recordings available to review at any time.

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